Today I received a package in the mail from Logicalis. As is often the case in my position I get lots of cold calls or spam in the mail trying to sell me some service, bandwidth, CRM, Hardware, etc., etc. My favorite until today was the Oracle rep calling me to renew my maintenance. We are a MSFT shop and don't own any Oracle software...
Today was different. Logicalis went to the trouble to include a USB stick with a case study on it from Johnsonville Sausage. You know Johnsonville - good brand, full of MSG, available in every supermarket I've ever been to (e.g. household name). The packaging was done up with a ton of hype to watch the video ("Best 5 minutes you will ever spend").
The guys went to the trouble of sending me the video on a USB stick, so what the heck.
If you are going to focus your marketing message on one thing - in this case the video on the enclosed USB stick you should probably make sure it is compelling.
I'm an IT guy which means I deal with data all the time. Numbers, formulas, Excel, BI - you name it I live in that world. Not once in the 5 minute video were any numbers mentioned. Did Logicalis help Johnsonville reduce their time to implement something? Did they cut their IT maintenance costs? Did they get them to market faster? Did they help solve some supply chain issue? The only number mentioned in the video was by some Logicalis exec talking about how many years they have been working with Johnsonville = 12!
If you are working with an IT outsourcer for 12 years I'd expect a little more insight into their business than things like "We helped them move to a more flexible system." wow. for 12 years?
The content itself was also poor. Everyone and I mean everyone was facing the side instead of the camera and clearly reading off of a queue card. These were clearly IT guys trying to make a video and it showed.
Probably the worst thing about the video was that there was only one Johnsonville guy on the video who was clearly reading off a queue card and was the highest manager they could find. No execs, not even multiple IT folks saying how great the service is.
I know working in the IT market is tough but with companies like Logicalis as your competition you have no option but to succeed.
And for the Logicalis folks - if you find this on Google - fire your head of Marketing. If the only message you can conjour up is work with Logicalis because we have been working with Johnsonville for 12 years you need help.
I want my 5 minutes back.